Hum Aapke Hain Koun 1994 Hindi BRRip 480p 600mb -

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Friday, February 3, 2017


Hum Aapke Hain Koun 1994 Hindi BRRip 480p 600mb

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Genre: Biography
Language:  Hindi 
QUALITY : 480p BrRip

Director: Omung Kumar
Stars:   Shiwani Saini, Ankur Bhatia, Richa Chadha

Story…. Biopic of Sarabjit Singh, a farmer residing at Bhikiwind, Punjab, near the Indo-Pak border, crossed the border after having a couple of drinks. However, he was mistaken to be an Indian spy and was sentenced to capital punishment. The film Sarabjit however will present the struggle that Dalbir went through while fighting for justice for her brother. Dalbir was very close to her brother and considered him like a son. All her efforts to free him went futile and her brother Sarabjit was killed by his jail inmates when Afzal Guru was killed in India.

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